Introduction to Improv Workshop
Saturday, August 22
10 AM to 1 PM
Improvisation is more than just working without a script. In improv you’re the actor as well as the
playwright and the set designer. It allows you to express your creativity as a solo voice or to join the
chorus and play with the group. Improv is many things: playful, cerebral, exhilarating, challenging, goofy and
Here's your opportunity to stick a toe in the inviting waters of improvisational theater. This three hour
workshop will cover the basics of agreement, cooperation and creativity through a variety of exercises
and games - all in a loose and playful environment. It promises to be a fun, low stress morning. Come
join us and discover why improvisation is one of the best kept secrets in theater!
Saturday, August 22
10 AM to 1 PM
Improvisation is more than just working without a script. In improv you’re the actor as well as the
playwright and the set designer. It allows you to express your creativity as a solo voice or to join the
chorus and play with the group. Improv is many things: playful, cerebral, exhilarating, challenging, goofy and
Here's your opportunity to stick a toe in the inviting waters of improvisational theater. This three hour
workshop will cover the basics of agreement, cooperation and creativity through a variety of exercises
and games - all in a loose and playful environment. It promises to be a fun, low stress morning. Come
join us and discover why improvisation is one of the best kept secrets in theater!

Improv for the Actor Workshop
Saturday, August 22
2 PM to 5 PM
Saturday, August 22
2 PM to 5 PM

Private Coaching
Sunday, August 23
10 AM to 6 PM
Sunday, August 23
10 AM to 6 PM